I’m a lucky man. My wife is a wonderful cook. She cooks. and then she cooks some more. And if we’re having a party or she is writing a book – she cooks some more again.
Over the 10 years of our marriage, the food she cooks has developed. It’s got more technical. It’s got more varied and it’s definitely got tastier!
People ask me ‘how do you stay slim with so much food around?’ The answer? It’s a constant struggle. But I’m winning, I think.
Last year it was cakes. Sweet cakes, savoury cakes, party cakes, everyday cakes. This year, mercifully, it’s vegetables. Vegetables are the antithesis of cakes. I always say ‘nobody needs cakes!’ People certainly do need vegetables. So it’s a lot easier having so many around.
Beata’s food is always homely. You can always taste the love and it is designed to be eaten at home with family around. As I said, I’m a lucky man.
But, every now and then I don’t need family food. I need man food. I need my food. Cooked just the way I want it.
Man food needs to settle a man’s craving for elementary food. It also needs to be quick. Oh and simple to cook.
This dish does all of that. Preparation time is minimal. Cooking time is moderate. And enjoyment is immeasurable.
For me this is a perfect meal. It’s low carb. Packed with protein. Tasty, quick and easy.
Classic sirloin steak and grilled veg

Roughly chop the veg. Pour over enough olive oil and literally chuck them in the oven. Leave the kitchen and carry on doing what you were before. Or do something new. the choice is yours.
After around 20 mins, return, give the veg a bit of a turn so that they can crisp all over and start heating a fry pan or preferably a griddle pan.
Once up to temperature take your steak with a knob of butter on the underside (a one of the top side for good measure) ease it into the pan. This is a good time to season with salt and pepper if you haven’t done it already. 2-3 minutes on each side should be ok. Keep it real hot, don’t let the temperature go down. You’ll probably be opening the window at this stage. Always stop cooking slightly before you think it is ready, it’s going to keep cooking even when its off the heat.
Next put the steak in some foil to let it rest. It’s beef after all. It’s going to thank you for it. 5 mins is all it takes, but it’s going to make all the difference!
Whilst it’s resting sink a good glug of good quality red wine into the (still hot) pan and quickly bring the wine to a simmer and stir in all of that lovely beef flavour that coats the pan. Reduce the wine until it’s thick. You may wish to add any juice from the steak that has collected inside the foil.
Quickly serve drizzling that red wine just all over your tender steak!
Yum, perfect meal no doubt! My other half who is english also loves his manly food.
I must say I made him to discover beetroot, so he adds this lovely root veg to any grilled meal or even roast dinner.
Target audience reached! 🙂 We have all of Beata’s books, and now I am looking for your book – „Man Food. My Food. Cooked just the way I want” by you 🙂
Best wishes!
I’m no man, but I’m definitely trying this at home!
Seriously, Tom, your writting is very nice, think about doing it more often! I love Beata’s writting so much and i like yours now too! Keep writting guys!!!
OMG!!!! You are just like my husband!(well he is british too) :)))) simple,easy,quick yet tasty meal is done,thats how you guys roll.Love it :)))
Tomai, we are worried here in London… You will come back from Lithuania like a new man :)))
a lovely text to read.. the language is just flowing. Some more please 🙂
that’s exactly what I was looking for. I’m going to make it for my boys right now. Thanks a lot, Tomai.